Polish Lowland Sheepdog adult black and white

Poolse Laagland Herder

Polish Lowland Sheepdogs are strong, compact dogs with well-developed muscles and long, thick coats.

About the Polish Lowland Sheepdog

Also known as Polski Owczarek Nizinny, the Polish Lowland Sheepdog is a confident working dog who settles easily into the role of shepherd, guard dog or family companion.

Highly praised in their native country as working dogs, their fun-loving personalities have been present in Polish fields and farms as far back as the 13th century, making them one of the country’s oldest.

Bron: Belangrijkste feiten en kenmerken afkomstig van Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)


FCI Groep 1, AKC Herding Group
Gemiddelde levensverwachting
12–14 jaar

Levendig / Waarschuwing / Behendig / Intelligent / Weerbaar

Belangrijkste feiten

  • Vereist veel vachtverzorging
  • Heeft weinig training nodig
  • Heeft veel beweging nodig