Yorkshire Terrier adult in black and white

Yorkshire Terrier

Feisty and full of character, Yorkshire Terriers make great companion dogs.

About the Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier has a magnificent coat that requires regular grooming. Despite its Toy dog appearance, it’s still a terrier at heart and retains its hunting instinct, whether that’s for a toy in the house or a rodent in the garden.

Yorkshire Terriers don’t always mix well with children, especially active and noisy ones! This terrier’s dominant instincts can sometimes pose a challenge around other pets and dogs. Having said that, a dog’s temperament is often a product of its training and upbringing, so Yorkshire Terriers can make great family pets when trained well.

Source: key facts and characteristics sourced from Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)

Breed specifics

United Kingdom
FCI Group 3, AKC Non-Sporting Group
Size category
Very small
Avg life expectancy
15–16 years

Alert / Intelligent / Lively / Even-tempered / Friendly

Key facts

  • Requires a lot of grooming
  • May not get along well with children
  • Needs little exercise

A Yorkshire Terrier's life story

Find out more about the intelligent Yorkshire Terrier in each stage of their life.

Up to 10 months

Yorkshire Terrier puppy

Yorkshire Terrier puppies are energetic and alert, with an intelligent nature. As Yorkshire Terrier puppies are very small, it is advised to set aside an enclosed space in your home when they first arrive, to keep them safe and secure.

Yorkshire Terrier puppy sitting down


Yorkshire Terrier puppies are not receptive to harsh training. Praise and affection for positive behaviours is the best way to reinforce desired actions with this breed. 

Training for this breed must start as early as possible, at an age when your Yorkshire Terrier puppy naturally has an excellent capacity for learning.

Ensuring your dog is well socialised and understands the basic rules of life from a young age will significantly impact their wellbeing and behaviour in adult life.

From 10 months

Yorkshire Terrier adult

The feisty and intelligent temperament of adult Yorkshire Terriers makes them a lively and rewarding companion dog.

15 cm - 23 cm Height
2 kg 814 g - 3 kg 175 g Weight
15 cm - 23 cm Height
2 kg 814 g - 3 kg 175 g Weight
Yorkshire Terrier adult standing

Exercise and living requirements

This breed does not have particularly high exercise requirements – a short walk in the morning and evening will be enough to meet their needs and keep an adult Yorkshire Terrier in shape. 

Yorkshire Terriers have a lot of mental energy to consider, which can easily be exercised with games and activities. Yorkshire Terriers are not recommended for families with smaller pets as their terrier instincts mean they have a keen desire to hunt.

Yorkshire Terrier health

It is important to know how to properly care for a Yorkshire Terrier to ensure they are healthy and happy in every stage of their life. As they age, their sensitivities can include patellar luxation and hypoglycaemia​.
Yorkshire Terrier senior sitting down


Yorkshire Terriers are considered to be ageing dogs when they reach ten years old.The Yorkshire Terrier’s diet will need to be adapted to balance the lack of exercise, along with a fussier appetite that is often seen in older dogs.

Ensure that their new diet contains all the important nutrients required to stay healthy. It’s a good idea to arrange regular check-ups with a vet at this stage, as they will be able to advise on any nutritional changes or health problems that ageing may bring.