Hunger regulation

Neutering can alter the feeding behaviour of certain cats who are less able to regulate their food intake. Appetite Control Sterilised contains a high level* of specific fibres which both satisfy the appetite of cats with a tendency to beg for food and contribute to naturally reducing the feeling of hunger. *Compared to a high quality maintenance feed.

Weight management

After neutering, energy requirements of cats decrease. Appetite Control Sterilised helps limit the risk of excess weight gain thanks to a moderate level of fat and adequate daily rations.

Urinary health

Neutered cats have an increased risk of developing urinary stones. Appetite Control Sterilised helps support a healthy urinary system by providing an adequate mineral balance.

Enriched with L-carnitine

L-carnitine is involved in fat metabolism.

עבודה לקראת עתיד בר-קיימא

‏‎‎‏אנחנו מאמינים שחיות מחמד הופכות את העולם שלנו לטוב יותר, הן מספקות לנו השראה ומטרה לחיינו. התפקיד שלנו לספק עולם טוב יותר לחיות המחמד ™A BETTER WORLD FOR PETS.‏‎‎‏

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לברדור רטריבר בוגר יושב עם בעליו בחוץ


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