Cavalier King Charles Spaniel adult in black and white

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are sporting, affectionate and absolutely fearless.

About the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Their cheerful, friendly nature, lacking any aggression, has made these dogs very popular since the end of the last millennium.

Active, gracious and well balanced, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels have a particularly gentle expression, with big dark eyes that exude intelligent curiosity.

Fonte: aspetti e caratteristiche chiave provenienti dalla Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)

Caratteristiche della razza

Gruppo FCI 9, Gruppo Toy AKC
Aspettativa di vita media
10–14 anni

Vivace / Amabile / Fiducioso / Socievole / Docile

Aspetti principali

  • Richiede toelettatura moderata
  • Il giardino non è essenziale
  • È un ottimo cane da famiglia
Illustrazione delle origini della razza

Origini della razza

Questa razza fu riconosciuta ufficialmente nel Regno Unito solo nel 1945. Prima veniva considerata simile all'English Toy Spaniel, anche denominato King Charles Spaniel dal Kennel Club.

Il responsabile della nascita del Cavalier King Charles Spaniel fu un appassionato di American Toy Spaniel di nome Roswell Eldridge. Offrì una considerevole somma di denaro a chiunque riuscisse a produrre la tipologia di cane antico dipinto nei quadri del 16°, 17° e 18° secolo. Questo accadde e nel 1928 fu istituito il Club del Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

Health condition

Cavalier King Charles dogs belong to the brachycephalic family that have as physical features a flat face and short nose due to their flat and wide skull shape. These anatomical attributes can cause some health issues like skin, eye and breathing problems as well as a poor ability to tolerate heat. For all brachycephalic breeds, we advise you to choose a dog with physical features that are not over-exaggerated, to buy from a responsible breeder and to seek counsels from your veterinarian.

Health checklist illustration

Health condition

Cavalier King Charles dogs belong to the brachycephalic family that have as physical features a flat face and short nose due to their flat and wide skull shape. These anatomical attributes can cause some health issues like skin, eye and breathing problems as well as a poor ability to tolerate heat. For all brachycephalic breeds, we advise you to choose a dog with physical features that are not over-exaggerated, to buy from a responsible breeder and to seek counsels from your veterinarian.

Health checklist illustration

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