Finnish hound adult black and white

Finnish Hound

Finnish Hounds are enthusiastic hare and fox trackers, even in tough conditions. They work independently, chasing the game while barking resonantly.

About the Finnish Hound

Calm, energetic and friendly, never aggressive, Finnish Hounds are medium-sized dogs with a tricolour coat. These canines are powerful but never heavily built.

The Finnish Hound was recognised after the establishment of the national kennel club in 1889. The first standard was published in 1932, and clubs throughout the country worked to develop the breed. Crossbreeding at the start of last century helped produce the present-day breed.


Источник: основные факты и характеристики получены от Международной кинологической федерации (FCI)

Породные особенности

Группа 6 FCI
Размерная группа
Средняя продолжительность жизни
12–15 лет

Спокойные / Дружелюбные / Независимые

Основные факты

  • Любит охотиться
  • Дрессировку следует начинать в раннем возрасте
  • Требует большой физической активности

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