Devon Rex adult in black and white

Devon Rex

The Devon Rex's devotion to their owner means that these loving, intelligent cats are quickly capable of learning tricks, such as fetch.

About the Devon Rex

The Devon Rex is a playful, rather mischievous cat, devoted to their owner. They are happiest when their owner is around and can join in with games. These busy little cats work well in an active household as they thrive on company.

They are a very people-orientated breed who do well in large households. They are great with children and get along with other family pets. Devons can have big appetites, so be careful to limit their food if they start to gain too much weight – especially neutered cats.

Source : faits et caractéristiques clés issus du World Cat Congress (WCC)

Particularités de la race

United Kingdom
Poils courts
Catégorie de taille
De taille moyenne

Sociable / Énergique / Affectueux / Bavard / Joueur

Faits marquants

  • Needs a lot of grooming
  • Requires an outdoor enclosure
  • Good with people