Seychellois adult black and white


Seychellois are very sociable animals. Do not consider getting a Seychellois if you cannot give it the attention it deserves.

About the Seychellois

Seychellois are very intelligent, lively and entertaining; they are also loyal and loving. These cats remain playful and active throughout their life. Seychellois do not like to be ignored and always have to be the centre of attention.

Seychellois enjoy being with people and have a great need for human companionship. They often bond strongly with a single person.

Source : faits et caractéristiques clés issus du World Cat Congress (WCC)

Particularités de la race

United Kingdom
Poils courts
Catégorie de taille
De taille moyenne

Intelligent / Dynamique / Bavard / Sociable / Amical

Faits marquants

  • Needs moderate grooming
  • Suited to indoor and outdoor life
  • Nécessite une attention soutenue