Border Terrier adult in black and white

Border Terrier

Borders are undoubtably all terrier. Nothing frightens these proud little dogs.

About the Border Terrier

Solidly built, well balanced and full of energy, Border Terriers are fearless. This breed have all the behavioural traits of a working dog.

Prior to being recognised by The Kennel Club, Border Terriers often had to feed themselves, and only those that were natural hunters found themselves enough food. To a large extent, this explains the breed’s character.

Source : faits et caractéristiques clés provenant de la Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)

Particularités de la race

United Kingdom
FCI Group 3
Catégorie de taille
Races de petite taille
Espérance de vie moyenne
12–15 ans

Dynamique / Joueur

Faits marquants

  • Besoin de toilettage modéré
  • Garden not essential
  • A besoin de peu d'éducation