Frisian water dog adult black and white

Frisian Water Dog

The curly hair that covers their ears is thick close to the base, gradually becoming shorter toward the bottom. Looking at the ears is an easy way to assess the dog’s pure-bred status.

About the Frisian Water Dog

Frisian Water Dogs are quiet, strong-willed animals that are aloof with strangers, making them ideal guard dogs. These powerful water dogs are suited to various disciplines.

They specialise in otters in marshland, but prove just as good trapping moles and other pests in gardens. As a result of their temperament, they prefer to deter rather than act. Most Frisian Water Dogs are found in their homeland, although some nowadays live in the United States and other parts of Europe.

Source : faits et caractéristiques clés provenant de la Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)

Particularités de la race

The Netherlands
FCI Group 8
Catégorie de taille
Races de grande taille
Espérance de vie moyenne
12–14 ans

Alerte / Confiant / Amical / Indépendant / Intelligent / Fidèle / Tranquille / Serein / Robuste

Faits marquants

  • Makes a great guard dog
  • Besoin de toilettage modéré
  • Besoin d'un maître expérimenté