Landseer adult black and white


Giant dogs with feline-like feet, the toes are connected by webbing, which explains why Landseers are so good in the water.

About the Landseer

Landseers are large, robust dogs of good proportions. The legs are higher than those of their cousins, Black Newfoundlands.

Naturally protective, the Landseer has been known to act as babysitter to family children without hesitation, and will defend their family from any threat. As such, they are also fantastic guard dogs.

Source : faits et caractéristiques clés provenant de la Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)

Particularités de la race

FCI Group 2
Catégorie de taille
Races de très grande taille
Espérance de vie moyenne
9–11 ans


Faits marquants

  • Besoin de toilettage modéré
  • Needs a lot of space
  • Makes a great guard dog