Norwich Terrier adult black and white

Norwich Terrier

Among the smallest of the terriers, Norwich Terriers are loving and incredibly lively.

About the Norwich Terrier

Almost breathtakingly full of energy, these little dogs are hardy, bold and wonderfully cheerful. Norwich Terriers are low on their feet, compact and solid, in spite of their size.

The Norwich Terrier is a happy, eager dog whose tirelessness and willingness to play makes them excellent additions to any family.

Source : faits et caractéristiques clés provenant de la Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)

Particularités de la race

United Kingdom
FCI Group 3, Groupe AKC Terrier
Catégorie de taille
Races de petite taille
Espérance de vie moyenne
12–15 ans

Enthousiaste / Affectueux / Dynamique / Robuste / Amical / Confiant

Faits marquants

  • Besoin de toilettage modéré
  • Makes a great family dog
  • Needs a lot of physical and mental exercise