Clumber spaniel black and white

Clumber spaniel

This is one of the rare breeds, although their suitability to home life, their patience and unbridled friendliness mean they should perhaps be more popular.

About the Clumber Spaniel

Clumber Spaniels are stoical, big-hearted, highly intelligent dogs with a determination that enhances their natural abilities. Silent workers that take advantage of their excellent sense, they are also steady and assured companions, exuding kindness and dignity.

These well balanced, heavy-boned dogs wear a pensive expression. They are active animals embodying great strength. Due to their long body and short legs, Clumber Spaniels have a rolling gait, moving forward in a straight line at front and back without effort.

Kilde: Sentrale fakta og egenskaper hentet fra Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)


United Kingdom
FCI gruppe 8, AKC sportslig gruppe
Gjennomsnittlig forventet levetid
10–12 år

Livlige / Intelligent / Fast bestemt / Stille / Rolig / Lojal / Kjærlig

Viktige fakta

  • Krever mye pelsstell
  • Krever mye plass utendørs
  • En super familiehund