Cat sat on the floor inside

Proactive care for urinary illnesses in cats

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) can have a significant impact on your cat's health and general wellbeing, sometimes without noticeable common symptoms. It's important to understand what behaviors your cat may show so you can seek the advice of your vet as soon as a concern arises.

FLUTD in cats

FLUTD affects up to 10% of cats worldwide, however, it can often be difficult to spot the signs of such health problems. It can be caused by a variety of conditions, such as urinary crystals or bladder stones and even stress. While FLUTD does include urinary tract infections in cats, the majority of urinary signs are classed as idiopathic cystitis - those without an identifiable underlying cause.

Cat with female vet
Cat lying down outside


A cat UTI, also known as a urinary tract infection, falls under the more general term of FLUTD. It's important to understand how urinary tract infections in cats can arise and how common symptoms of cat UTIs may develop in comparison to other urinary problems.

Learn about cat UTIs
Cat urinary care packshot

Promote your cat's urinary health

It's good to promote a healthy urine concentration for your cat. Royal Canin Urinary Care can help regulate mineral balance in only 10 days and is formulated for healthy adult cats. Our approach takes into account various urinary factors to support your cat effectively. 

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"A change in behavior is often the first sign of illness. Behavioral signs can occur even before any physical signs become obvious. Any sudden change in behavior should be taken seriously. Always schedule a visit with your veterinarian to rule out underlying medical issues".
Dr. Rachel Malamed

Possible signs of urinary illnesses in cats

Signs are difficult to recognize and can be variable depending on the individual cat. We recommend speaking to your vet whenever you have a concern or if you notice any of these signs.

Behavioral changes

Your cat's behavior and their health are intrinsically linked. Behavioral changes can sometimes be the first sign that your cat is suffering from a urinary illness. Learn what signs may indicate health problems, how to spot them, and when you should seek advice from your vet.

Cat behaviour changes
Cat lying on sofa

Hiding in corners or away from people and activities may indicate a sign of illness, especially if your cat is normally social.

Also known as periuria, this could be an indication of lower urinary tract disease or other medical issues such as kidney disease and diabetes.

Some cats may continually groom their perineum, belly, and inner thighs.

If your cat is peeing a lot this could be a sign of cat incontinence, a result of losing control of the bladder. Be aware, if they are often outside, frequent urination in cats may be more difficult to spot.

If your cat is peeing blood this may be a sign of a urinary illness, as more than 20 conditions can cause blood in cat urine. (Forrester SD. 2004.)

Your cat may run away or display avoidance behaviors if approached or handled, as touching a cat that is in pain or discomfort may elicit fear and anxiety.

How do our Urinary SO products work?

Your vet may recommend a nutritional product to support your cat's urinary health if they are currently suffering from (or have a history) of FLUTD. Royal Canin SO urinary products are formulated with tailored nutrition for a cat's individual needs. Talk to your vet for advice on feeding for long-term urinary support.

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Proactive care for urinary symptoms

If your cat is currently, or at risk, of suffering from urinary issues, taking some proactive measures could help make your cat more comfortable, alongside FLUTD treatment recommended by a vet.

Appropriate nutrition

Lower urinary tract signs in cats can be diet responsive. Your vet will be able to provide information on a diet that is suitable for your cat's specific needs.

Eliminate stress

Stress can sometimes act as a trigger for urinary problems. If your cat has become anxious by something recently introduced, try to remove this from your cat's environment.


Increasing your cat's water intake is important to keep your cat hydrated and helps to dilute the urine. Make sure they have access to fresh and clean water at all times.

Mixed feeding

If your cat is reluctant to drink more water from their bowl, mixed feeding can help increase your cat's daily water intake as wet products contain more water. 

Always speak to a vet

If you're concerned, take your cat to the vet so they can investigate the problem. If FLUTD is diagnosed treatment may include prescribing your cat antibiotics, diet changes, drinking more water, or surgery if necessary.

Litter box location

Sometimes you may need more than one litter box if you have a multiple story home or have a pet with mobility issues. Cats prefer their litter boxes to be in quiet areas, not near laundry machines or other loud noises.

Enrich your cat's environment

A lack of stimulation from indoor environments may result in boredom, frustration, and stress for cats, which could be triggers for FLUTD. Enriching your cat's environment is important for their mental and physical well-being and can help reduce stress. Enrichment can include adding more perches, scratching posts, and interactive feeding toys to your home.

Cat playing with scratching post