Balinese adult black and white


Balinese cats are extremely affectionate and make wonderful, entertaining and totally dominating pets.

About the Balinese

Balinese cats are very intelligent, lively and entertaining. They can be very demanding and become totally involved in their owner’s life. These cats do not like to be ignored and always have to be the centre of attention.

Balinese cats have a strong personality and are usually very vocal with loud voices. Balinese are typically active and playful, even as adults; they are high-energy cats who are always on the go.

Bron: belangrijke feiten en kenmerken uit het informatiearsenaal van het World Cat Congress (WCC)


Verenigde Staten
Medium - Middelgrote rassen
Gemiddelde levensverwachting
18–22 jaar

Trouw / Liefdevol / Sociaal / Laat van zich horen / Levendig / Intelligent / Actief / Speels

Belangrijkste feiten

  • Gelukkiger in paren
  • Geschikt voor het leven binnens- en buitenshuis
  • Heeft weinig vachtverzorging nodig

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